SAS Advanced Supraglottic airway skills workshop resources

Below are resources referred to in the Safe Airway Society ‘Advanced Supraglottic Airway Skills’ workshop. Right click the images to download.

Vortex Cognitive Tool

Vortex Optimisation Strategies Training Matrix

Best Effort at Supraglottic Airway

Video Demonstration of Aintree Conversion of Supraglottic Airway to Tracheal Tube

Difficult Airway Society guidance for Aintree Conversion of Supraglottic Airway to Tracheal Tube

The above guideline is copyright Difficult Airway Society. Downloaded from the DAS Website.

Comparison of Aintree Conversion vs Primary Conversion of Supraglottic Airway to Tracheal Tube

Airway Topicalisation Tips